Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Hello 2019... goodbye 2019!

I am sorry.

I wrote a handful of draft entries for this blog in 2019... but I never finished - and thus published - ANY of them. This will therefore be my first and last entry in the whole calendar year!

As much as a blog should be about reasonably quick and free entries, I don't believe in making rash, tweet-style entries either... meaning I simply never got round to tidying up said drafts in order to put them out there for general consumption.

So. I will try and make 2020 a year for finding more time to write PUBLISHABLE entries. Of course, 'publishable' still means potentially mistake-laden (should that not be error-ridden?)... I just like my blog entries to be of a certain base quality before I hit the 'publish' button.

I mean, goodness knows there's plenty of things going on in the world that fit the remit of this blog in order to comment about. And I do hope I am able to write about something positive at some point, too!

A Happy New Year to you!

John aka ZeeOx