So, this blog hasn't really been up to snuff of late, has it? I apologise.
I really need to up my game and post more regularly... as there have been plenty of things going on of late that are relevant to the aims of this blog and what I want to write about. And I am just out of practice.
Anyway, suffice to say, this is just another one of those "quick" posts to say I am "just checking in"... although I will also reveal a little of my future intentions right now... as I at least intend to write something soon about Cambridge's Water Voles' population shortly (as they are certainly making the news!), and perhaps an update on the Council's latest Logan's Meadow plans, too.
I hope anyone who comes back to this blog on occasion to look in is well and safe (and thanks for doing so, by the way!). It's been a pretty scary last few years or so, and that's no understatement. And what with the war in Ukraine and the cost of living crisis, not exactly a bed of roses currently either as we try and put the worst of the pandemic experience behind us (for those of us who can of course).
See you soon... hopefully!